Resource Links
Books & Libraries
Iowa Locator - The Iowa Locator is the statewide union catalog used by the public and libraries to locate library items. It represents the holdings of 700 Iowa libraries and contains 2.2 million titles.
WorldCat - Search for what you want among more than 1 billion library-owned items, and then find it at a library near you.
Community Resources
City of Oskaloosa - The official website of the City of Oskaloosa. Includes contacts for local representatives, agenda and board minutes, and job openings.
Oskaloosa Temporary Road Closures -This is a link to all temporary road closures in Oskaloosa by the Public Works Department.
State of Iowa - State’s official Web portal providing links to Iowa state agencies, Iowa county government sites, and Iowa cities with websites.
State Data Center of Iowa - Source for population, housing, business, and government statistics about Iowa.
Tax Information and Forms